Deacon and Priest Ordinations 2024

Twenty-one people were ordained as Priests and Deacons in Durham Cathedral this Petertide weekend.

On this Petertide weekend, 20 people became ordained as Priests and Deacons in Durham Cathedral.

Twelve people from the Durham Diocese became ordained as Priests on Saturday 29 June. Prayers were read, and declarations were made before the acting Bishop of Durham, the Bishop of Jarrow, The Revd Sarah Clark. Celebrations were made with the Liturgy of the Eucharist, along with choral music sung by the Junior Consort, Lay Clerks and Scholars. The ordinands will return to their parishes as Priests. Congratulations to all Priests in their new priesthoods.

Durham Cathedral’s current curate was one of 12 people who were ordained as a Priest in Saturday’s service. Kathryn is Durham Cathedral’s first female curate, and joined the team in July 2023, and will continue her curacy as a Priest.

Eight people became ordained as Deacons during Sunday’s service. The Bishop introduced the service, with prayers, readings and choral music throughout the service. The acting Bishop of Durham read out the Ordination Prayer, and laid her hands on the head of each ordinand, before the newly-ordained Deacons were greeted with applause. The service ended with the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Congratulations to the newly ordained Priests and Deacons this Petertide!

You can read about each of the Ordinands on the Diocese of Durham's website here.