New Lay Canons have joined Durham Cathedral’s governing body

On Sunday 6 October 2024, Dr Apollo Tutesigensi and Professor Stefanie Sheen were installed as the cathedral’s newest members of Chapter, the cathedral’s governing body.

Dr. Tutesigensi is Associate Professor in the School of Civil Engineering in the University of Leeds and Prof. Sheen is Professor of Organization Studies within Durham University Business School, both are also members of the worshipping community at Durham Cathedral, have now been installed as members of Chapter.

At a service on 6 October they also became honorary Lay Canons and will work alongside existing Chapter members, including the Very Reverend Dr Phillip Plyming, Dean of Durham, towards the mission and vision of this historic centre of Christian worship at a strategic moment in its development. As members of the cathedrals governing body, Apollo and Stefanie will play a role in the governance, leadership and strategic direction and oversight of the administration of the cathedral’s affairs as well as a commitment to collective decision-making.

Both Apollo and Stefanie have been delighted to accept their new voluntary position. Following Sunday's installation service.

Stefanie said,

"When I first came to Durham, I was enchanted by the cathedral. It has since played a very special part in my life ever since, the place where I was married and my daughters were baptised. It is a huge privilege to be appointed to participate in the governance of this cathedral church to ensure that it remains a place of prayer and wonder for generations to come. I've always loved evensong at the cathedral. At the installation, the girl choristers sang, as ever, wonderfully well and brought vivid memories back of my younger daughter's time as a chorister here. It was terrific, and being led to my stall in the quire was something I'll never forget."

Apollo said,

"The process that has led to my installation has been a learning journey for me. However, the installation service brought a different dimension. The presence of Bishop Sarah, members of Chapter, college of Canons, many Christians as well as my family and friends; hearing and sharing all the words that were read, spoken, or sung; and receiving congratulations, encouragement, and good wishes from so many people were very touching. I felt the presence of God and clear affirmation that He had called me to serve as lay canon and non-executive member of Chapter."

The appointments, which required the consent of the Acting Bishop of Durham, the Rt Revd Sarah Clark, are part of the cathedral implementing the new governance measures of the Cathedrals Measure 2021, which also involved the cathedral being fully registered with the Charity Commission.

Images from the installation