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In the centre of the Cloister Garth is a large stone bowl.

This is the Laver Bowl or ‘Lavatorium’.

Did you know?

  • The stone bowl in the Cloister Garth, the grassed area in the centre of the Cloister, is the remains from a water fountain. 
  • It was originally over in the south west corner of the Garth, in a covered room near the entrance to the Refectory (dining room).
  • Installed in the 1430s, it had a central column with lots of brass spouts and taps, where the monks could wash their hands and faces before meals. 
  • It is made from ‘Teesdale marble’, extracted from quarries at Egglestone Abbey, about 30 miles from Durham.

Thoughts and reflections

"Within the cloister garth all against the fraterhouse door, was a fair laver or conduit for the monks to wash their hands & faces at..." 

The Rites of Durham, 16th century

Follow the guided tour

You’re in: The Cloister You’re at: The Laver Bowl

  • Continue walking along the North side of the Cloister
  • Turn the corner and walk about half way along the East side
  • On your left you will see the door to the Chapter House