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There are many zig-zag pillars throughout the cathedral but there is one in particular which holds a surprise!

The Apprentice Pillar stands in the South Transept. If you follow the zig-zag carvings to the fifth ring up the pattern changes, reversing for one ring. Was this small difference designed on purpose or just an accident?

Interesting facts

Just a mistake?

According to one story, in around the year 1100 the master mason building the cathedral went away on holiday leaving one of his apprentices in charge. Unfortunately, the apprentice made a mistake, and by the time the master returned, it was too late to fix it.

Reaching for perfection

The much more likely reason is that the error was made on purpose, to symbolise that humans make mistakes and only God is perfect.

Follow the guided tour

You’re in: South Transept You’re at: Apprentice Pillar Next stop: The Moses Window

  • Standing by the Apprentice Pillar, look across to the window on the opposite wall
  • This is the Moses Window