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Holy Communion

8:00am to 8:30am

A service of prayers and Bible readings, in which we offer bread and wine to God in thanksgiving for his goodness to us, which we receive back as the body and blood of Christ. The service lasts around 30 minutes.

Sung Eucharist

10:00am to 11:00am

sung by the Lay Clerks and Scholars
President: The Dean
Preacher: Canon Simon Oliver
Hymns 443, 12, 7
Missa brevis David Halls
Fuit homo missus a Deo Palestrina

A service of prayers, Bible readings, hymns, and Choral music, in which we offer bread and wine to God in thanksgiving for his goodness to us, which we receive back as the body and blood of Christ. The service lasts around 1 hour.

Junior Church

10:00am to 10:40am

Children from Reception to Year 6 are invited to learn more about the Christian Gospel through storytelling and exciting craft activities every Sunday during term time.

Refreshments in the Galilee Chapel

11:00am to 11:30am

Join us for tea and coffee in the Galilee Chapel in between Sung Eucharist and Matins service.


11:30am to 12:15pm

sung by the Lay Clerks and Scholars
Hymns 6, 5
Psalms 50. 1-6, 62
plainsong Benedicite
Parsons Benedictus (from First Service)
Hic est de quo scriptum est Calvisius
Preacher: Canon Michael Everitt


3:30pm to 4:30pm The Nave

sung by the Lay Clerks and Scholars
Hymns 1, 11
Psalm 68. 1-19
Parsons First Service
Canite tuba in Sion Palestrina

Evensong is a service of bible readings, psalms and prayers. The Choir sing for us accompanied, usually, by organ music. We follow the service using the Book of Common Prayer of 1662 giving thanks for the day that has past. The service lasts around 45 minutes.

St Cuthbert's Hospice Light Up a Life Service

7:00pm to 8:00pm

Remember and celebrate the lives of lost loved ones this Christmas.